{{-- Tell the browser to be responsive to screen width --}} {{-- Favicon icon --}} {{ isset($title) ? $title.' :: ' . config('app.name') . ' Admin' : config('app.name') . ' Admin' }} {{-- Encrypted CSRF token for Laravel, in order for Ajax requests to work --}} {{-- Specify a default target for all hyperlinks and forms on the page --}} @yield('before_styles') @yield('after_styles') {{-- HTML5 Shim and Respond.js IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries --}} {{-- WARNING: Respond.js doesn't work if you view the page via file:// --}} @yield('captcha_head') @yield('recaptcha_head')
{{-- Login box.scss --}}
@include('common.js.init') @yield('before_scripts') {{-- This page plugin js --}} @include('admin.layouts.inc.alerts') @yield('after_scripts') @yield('captcha_footer')